Costume Interview: Okita Soujirou & Saito Hajime

Oh man! I am so happy to finally finished and uploaded this video! Lenneth and Jesuke's fans will so thank me :D

Below is a costume interview of Lenneth and Jesuke cosplaying as Okita Soujirou and Saito Hajime from Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan *cues fangirl screams*.

Okita Soujirou:
Saito Hajime:

The video was filmed at Cosfest 2010. Apologies for the lousy camera work, really really bad audio quality and the overwhelming crowd at the back. It was really hard to fathom what the cosplayer would say and do so more often than not, my camera can't keep up with them. I know I can stop the cosplayers and request for them to say them same thing again, but I didn't want to inhibit the cosplayers. From ym experience, interviewee tends to share more when they feel comfortable and uninhibited.

My camera doesn't have an external microphone so that means I need to keep a close distance with the Cosplayers T_T *sigh*
I still have quite a lot of costume interview to churn out so look forward! And leave me a comment if you enjoyed it ^_^!


allkhe said…
Can you please add subs ;_; I can't hear anything the cosplayers say due to the noise around ;_; I'm looking forward to seeing more interviews though.
jactinglim said…
kudos to your efforts making these videos :D
MadNati said…
i would love to understand a thing u guys said ç3ç subs plz?? ç-ç'
Cosplay said…
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